Nick Seders
Lead Pastor
My wife (Kelly) and I brought our family to Greeley First Assembly in May 2019, and felt at home right away! As Lead Pastor, I spend much of my time resourcing leaders within the congregation, meeting with congregants to provide biblical counsel, and preparing teaching material. Como viví en España durante más que 3 años, puedo servirte en español

Kelly Seders
Pastoral Staff
You can usually find me rearranging my house or trying out a new recipe! If I’m not homeschooling or planning events for the church, I love time spent around the around the table with friends and family. I have a passion for those who don’t feel like they have a seat to belong. My husband Nick and I (along with our three kids) have been honored to lead Greeley First the last 3 years.

Shane McClanahan
Associate Pastor
Aubrey and I are excited to serve families in Greeley after 10 years of experience in children's ministry, back home in Pennsylvania. We have four small kids that wake up everyday looking for the next adventure, so we love to explore and get to know new people.

Aubrey McClanahan
Kids Coordinator
I was invited to a VBS, and vividly remember giving my heart to Jesus even though at the time my family didn’t go to church. It is out of that turning point that my passion for kids was born. I desire to foster an environment where kids know they belong in the family of God and know that it's never too early to run into the arms of Jesus. I firmly believe that if Jesus takes root in the heart of a child, the fruit of that seed will continue to grow throughout their lives. As a mom of four, and a family photographer I love to get creative with engaging kids and ultimately families with the word of God to experience the power of God in a very real way. My husband Shane and I came to GFA with 10 years of kids ministry experience, and we love partnering with parents to help their kids live for Jesus in fun and real ways that will carry them through this moment I time that they were made for!