Greeley First Assembly exists to unify a diverse group of people around the truth of the Gospel and the pursuit of God, that we might encourage one another to serve with love and share with boldness.
Pursuing God.
Building Relationships.
Serving Humbly.
Proclaiming Boldly.
Building Relationships.
Serving Humbly.
Proclaiming Boldly.
Committed to following Jesus together.
Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, and Spirit-empowered.
Anchored in the Word of God and devoted to prayer.
Growing ever deeper (spiritual maturity) and wider (community impact).
Focused on obeying the Great Commandment and fulfilling the Great Commission.
A group of people from many nations, cultures, and backgrounds – all made one in Christ.
Multigenerational in our composition and ministry.
Determined to reach the lost and proclaim the gospel, both here and abroad.
Meeting the needs of our community, both physical and spiritual.
A refuge for the hurting, the broken, the messy, and the suffering.
Always making space for more people to know and love the Lord.
Radically generous with our time, capabilities, and resources.
Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, and Spirit-empowered.
Anchored in the Word of God and devoted to prayer.
Growing ever deeper (spiritual maturity) and wider (community impact).
Focused on obeying the Great Commandment and fulfilling the Great Commission.
A group of people from many nations, cultures, and backgrounds – all made one in Christ.
Multigenerational in our composition and ministry.
Determined to reach the lost and proclaim the gospel, both here and abroad.
Meeting the needs of our community, both physical and spiritual.
A refuge for the hurting, the broken, the messy, and the suffering.
Always making space for more people to know and love the Lord.
Radically generous with our time, capabilities, and resources.

As a church affiliated with the General Council of the Assemblies of God, we uphold the 16 Fundamental Truths
To give you a very short summary, we affirm that
The Bible is verbally inspired by God and is his revelation to man. Humanity was created to be good and upright by God, but willingly rebelled against him and were separated from him. Jesus, who is fully God and fully man, came to save us. Those that confess Jesus as Lord, believing that he died for our sin and rose again to give us new life, will be saved. The Spirit of God, or Holy Spirit, indwells every follower of Jesus. He regenerates and renews us! Every believer may (and should) seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit, who provides power for life, gives gifts for ministry, and enables growth in Christ-likeness. The Church, which includes every believer, has been commission by Jesus to take this good news to the whole world!
The Bible is verbally inspired by God and is his revelation to man. Humanity was created to be good and upright by God, but willingly rebelled against him and were separated from him. Jesus, who is fully God and fully man, came to save us. Those that confess Jesus as Lord, believing that he died for our sin and rose again to give us new life, will be saved. The Spirit of God, or Holy Spirit, indwells every follower of Jesus. He regenerates and renews us! Every believer may (and should) seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit, who provides power for life, gives gifts for ministry, and enables growth in Christ-likeness. The Church, which includes every believer, has been commission by Jesus to take this good news to the whole world!