Volunteer at Greeley First Assembly
First Things First: Take Starting Point
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve... Mark 10:45
As you will learn (or already have learned) in Starting Point, we've all been created, called, and equipped to serve. That's why we want to understand God's plan of ministry for the Church and explore the variety of gifts he has given us to serve well!
To join one of our ministry teams, sign up for Starting Point and then click the button below to complete a Volunteer Application.
We look forward to serving alongside of you!

If you've already participated in our Starting Point class and are ready to take your next steps, please fill out a volunteer application.
Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions

When can I start serving?
It depends on the ministry!
We do ask everyone to attend Starting Point before they start serving at Greeley First; this gives us the opportunity to review the gospel together, look at God’s plan for ministry, talk about things that matter to GFA, and so much more!
We do ask everyone to attend Starting Point before they start serving at Greeley First; this gives us the opportunity to review the gospel together, look at God’s plan for ministry, talk about things that matter to GFA, and so much more!

What if I want to serve, but don't know where?
No worries! That's exactly why we offer Starting Point. Toward the end of the class, we discuss how God equips each believer for ministry, we look at specific ministries in the church, and we help you discern which area might be a good fit. Start asking God where he would like to place you, in order to strengthen others.

Can I help with kids ministry?
What if I want to join worship team?
Absolutely! We believe that caring for and equipping our children is of the highest importance. Because of that, we require potential volunteers to complete Starting Point, pass a background test, and speak with our Associate Pastor and/or Kids Coordinators. As you meet those requirements, we'll help you find the right place to serve!
Worship, as a skills-based team, works a little differently than our other ministries. Once you've completed Starting Point and submitted a Volunteer Application, you'll have a conversation with one of our leaders. This conversation will determine where you might be a good fit!
After Starting Point, fill out a Volunteer Application
If you've already participated in our Starting Point class and are ready to take your next steps, please fill out a volunteer application.