A Call to Mentorship | First Sermon of 'Lean on Me' Series
This message kicks off the new sermon series Lean On Me, Sermons on Mentorship. As a church, we face challenges and moments of need—but God calls us to care for one another. Together, we can carry each other’s burdens, link arms, and support one another in our journey to follow Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Nick Seders unpacks the biblical example of mentorship found in Exodus 18, where Jethro takes the initiative to support Moses. Discover how we can follow Jethro’s example to encourage and uplift those around us. We are not meant to walk this life alone.
Key Scripture verses: Exodus 18:1-11, Exodus 18:13-27, Ephesians 4:12
Key Moments:
-An encouragement: 00:00:53 from Pastor Nick
-Purpose behind the series Lean On Me: 00:02:25
-Scriptural example of Mentorship: 00:07:48 (Exodus 18:1-11)
-Backstory of Moses & Jethro: 00:09:45
-What We Can Do Today: 00:12:45
-Scripture Reading: 00:14:45 (Exodus 18:13-27)
-We Need Mentorship: 00:20:15
-God Uses Our Difficulties: 00:28:42
-Your Temptation Is Not New: 00:30:40
-Closing Thoughts: 00:33:15
-Reading of Scripture 00:35:02 (Eph 4:12)
-Closing Prayer: 00:37:40
-Quick Thank You from Pastor Shane: 00:42:15