What About Wrath?

Mar 6, 2022    Nick Seders

Romans 1:18 (CSB), “For God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth,”

Exodus 34:6-7 (CSB), “…a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth, maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin.:

Lamentations 3:31-33 (CSB), “For no one is cast of by the Lord forever. Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love. For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone.”

Isaiah 28:21 (CSB), “For the Lord will rise up as he did at Mount Perazim.
He will rise in wrath, as at the Valley of Gibeon,to do his work, his unexpected work, and to perform his task, his unfamiliar task.”

“God has no pleasure in the destruction or calamity of persons or people. He had rather they should turn and continue in peace. He is well-pleased if they forsake their evil ways, that he may not have occasion to execute his wrath upon them. He is a God that delights in mercy, and judgment is his strange work.”
Jonathan Edwards

John 3:36 (CSB), “The one who believes in the Son has eternal life, but the one who rejects the Son will not see life; instead, the wrath of God remains on him.

Lamentations 3:32-33 (CSB, emphasis added), “Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love. For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone.”

Hebrews 12:5-11 (CSB), “…’My son, do not take the Lord’s discipline lightly or lose heart when you are reproved by him, for the Lord disciplines the one he loves and punishes every son he receives.’ Endure suffering as discipline: God is dealing with you as sons. For what son is there that a father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline—which all receive—then you are illegitimate children and not sons. Furthermore, we had human fathers discipline us, and we respected them. Shouldn’t we submit even more to the Father of spirits and live? For they disciplined us for a short time based on what seemed good to them, but he does it for our benefit, so that we can share his holiness. No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”

Psalm 66:18 (CSB), “If I had been aware of malice in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.”

Isaiah 59:2 (CSB), “But your iniquities are separating you from your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not listen.”

“[Christ’s] hatred shall all fall, and that only upon the sin, to free you of it by its ruin and destruction, but his affections shall be the more drawn out to you; and this as much when you lie under sin as under any other affliction.”
Thomas Goodwin